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Introduction and objective:
On 10 March, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 pandemic, which has become a public health emergency of international concern. The purpose of this study was to explore the attitudes of health professionals towards the COVID-19 outbreak.

Material and methods:
A survey of 115 health care professionals was conducted in late 2020. The research tool was a questionnaire constructed based on surveys by the Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS). When analyzing the relationships, two groups were distinguished: hospital employees and those employed in other units, and employees with and without contact with patients. The results were processed using Microsoft Office Excel and Statistica 13.0. Analyses of the relationships were performed using the chi-square test, p<0.5.

More than a half of the respondents (51.30%) considered the current pandemic something unprecedented. Outside work, 86.96% of respondents covered their mouths and nose in public places, and 99.13% used hand disinfection in public places. Most employees of medical units (50.43%) considered the restrictions and security measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic to be too restrictive. This was due to the occupation performed and related with it direct contact with patients. Willingness to undergo vaccination against COVID-19 was expressed by 65.22% of respondents.

Health care professionals have a high level of awareness of the need for SARS-CoV-2 prevention and adhere to epidemic safety measures both at and outside the workplace. Most health care professionals believe that the current pandemic safety measures are too restrictive. Most health care professionals (65.22%) were willing to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

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