Gene polymorphism LCT-13910 C>T and obesity in women
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Samodzielna Pracownia Biologii Medycznej Katedry Diagnostyki Laboratoryjnej i Medycyny Molekularnej Pomorskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Szczecinie Kierownik Pracowni: dr hab. n. med. M. Milkiewicz, prof. PUM
Corresponding author
Agnieszka Popadowska   

ul. Żołnierska 48, 71-210 Szczecin tel. 91 48 00 992, fax 91 48 00 947
Med Srod. 2012;15(2)
The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between polymorphism C/T-13910 (rs4988235) of LCT gene and obesity including intake of dairy products. The study covered 250 healthy women (mean age: 32, median: 23) who were voluntary blood donors at the Regional Centre of Blood Donation and Blood Treatment in Szczecin (Regionalne Centrum Krwiodawstwa i Krwiolecznictwa w Szczecinie). For the need of genetic testing blood samples were taken. DNA was isolated from collected samples, 2ml each and the task was performed with the use of DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (Qiagen). By means of Taq-MAN SNP Genotyping Assay (Applied Biosystems, USA) polymorphism of LCT gene was assessed. For the purpose of optional determination the fluorescence data were analysed using allelic discrimination 7500 Software v. 2.0.2. In addition the survey was completed by a questionnaire consisting of 11 questions. Each volunteer underwent anthropometric measurements which were the basis for the estimation of tissue components and BMI indication of obesity. Frequency of genotypes was identified as follows: 35.2% of CC (lactose intolerance), 47.2% CT and 17.6% TT. The relationship between BMI and genotypes CC, CT and TT was evaluated and correlation coefficient (OR) amounted to 0.82 [0.5–1.36], p=0.44. Among the participants no statistically significant relation between genotype CC, CT or TT and total fat percentage of the body weight (F%) was found. The most important information provided anthropometric data analysis. The largest group of overweight women or those faced with the problem of obesity (BMI≥25.0 kg/m2) were found among those with CC genotype which makes 39.73%. The correlation coefficient value shows statistically significant relationship between BMI and total fat percentage of the body weight p=0.0000). Only 4% of respondents claimed that they do not eat dairy products at all. 21.6% (most of them of CC genotype) reported symptoms of discomfort such as abdominal pain, intestinal colic, diarrhoea, excess wind, flatulence, nausea, vomiting or skin lesions after the intake of dairy products, what imputes that individuals under study adjusted their personal diet so that they could avoid gastrointestinal discomfort.
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