Analysis of annual exposure of private farmers to noise and whole body vibration
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Zakład Fizycznych Szkodliwości Zawodowych, Instytut Medycyny Wsi w Lublinie Kierownik: prof. nadzw. dr hab. L. Solecki Dyrektor: dr med. Andrzej Wojtyła
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Leszek Solecki   

Instytut Medycyny Wsi ul. Jaczewskiego 2, 20-090 Lublin
Med Srod. 2012;15(2)
Based on a literature review for the period of 1982– 2011, an analysis was performed of studies by various researchers concerning the exposure of private farmers to noise and vibration of the whole body with particular consideration of the annual exposure to these factors. The main sources of noise occurring in agriculture are: agricultural tractors mounted with a set of farm machinery, self-propelled machines, machinery for the production of fodder and workshop equipment. The review of literature showed that the highest values of equivalent exposure to noise (EA, T) or noise doses (d) were noted during the summer-autumn season and in spring. Mean noise levels for the entire year (of over 90 dB-A), considerably exceeded permissible values.The primary sources of the whole body vibration are agricultural vehicles including agricultural tractors of various types and self-propelled agricultural vehicles. In these vehicles vibration transmitted from the seat to the whole body is of basic importance. The measurements of vibration acceleration indicated that mechanical vibration on seats was produced while performing following activities: hay tedding and raking, sowing of fertilizers, aggregation of soil, grass mowing and cultivation. All of them may create a considerable health risk. These work activities are performed at elevated working speeds of tractors, most often along with hardened or uneven surfaces. In relation to the standard values (A(8)40.8 m/s2), the mean daily vibration acceleration values remain below the permissible levels during all months of the year. However, considering the occurrence of mechanical shocks of high values (above the Maximum Acceptable Intensity) on agricultural vehicles there is a high risk for the spine problems among operators of agricultural vehicles.
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