Expectations of family circles/guardians of diabetics within the scope of education in diabetes – in the light of nationwide research
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Wydział Nauk Medycznych, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie Dziekan Wydziału Nauk Medycznych : prof. dr hab. n. med. W. Maksymowicz
Corresponding author
Anna Abramczyk   

Wydział Nauk Medycznych Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski ul. Żołnierska 14c, 10-561 Olsztyn tel. 89 524 61 01, fax 89 524 61 14
Med Srod. 2013;16(1):58-66
A family is a significant asset, which may support a diabetic in his efforts and strengthen his concern for health. Properly prepared families/guardians may protect the patient from many medical mistakes and also help ensure suitable conditions for treatment and satisfactory care. Recommendations required in the process of diabetes treatment are better complied with if the needs, expectations as well as previous experience of both patients and supporting family members are respected in the planned care.

The aim of the work:
The paper presents the expectations of family circles/guardians of diabetes patients within the scope of education in diabetes and their conditions.

Material and Methods:
To meet the objective , research was carried out by the author of this work on 1366 family patients with diabetes from 61 randomly chosen national primary health service units, within the scope of NCSR grant no 6P05D02320. The researchwas conducted on the basis of: guided nursing interviews, relative assessment of fitness and independence of the patients, anonymous questionnaire completed by the patients, anonymous questionnaire completed by families/guardians and analysis of medical records.

Results of the research show that: most families are open to increase their level of competence and expect education on diabetes. Openness to education shown by families/guardians of diabetics is determined by many factors.

Education of families/guardians of diabetics may lead to lower demand for professional care, reduced costs of care as well as increased satisfaction with this care and effects of diabetics treatment.
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