Assessment of the estrogenic activity of milk and milk products with the use of in vitro estrogen receptor transactivation bioassay
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Państwowy Instytut Weterynaryjny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy w Puławach, Zakład Farmakologii i Toksykologii. Kierownik: prof. dr hab. A. Posyniak
Corresponding author
Sylwia Stypuła-Trębas   

Al. Partyzantów 57, 24-100 Puławy tel. 81 889 32 46
Med Srod. 2017;20(3):44-48
The work presents a comparison of estrogenic activity measured in 30 milk products generally available on the Polish market. The samples selected for the examination were skim, semi-skim, and full-fat cow’s milk, goat’s milk, blue cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour crème, and butter. Estrogenic activity in samples was determined using in vitro yeast reporter bioassay after enzymatic hydrolysis and dSPE extract io n. Estrogenic activ it y was fo und in 56,7% of the samples. There was a positive correlation between the fat content of the product and estrogenic activity. The highest estrogen activity was found in butter; the lowest, in skim milk. Our results lead to the conclusion that milk a nd its products may be a n impo rtant source of estrogens, especially for the most vulnerable populations
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