Suicidal attempts among young rural inhabitants
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Instytut Medycyny Wsi im. Witolda Chodźki w Lublinie. Dyrektor: prof. zw. dr hab. n. med. Leszek Wdowiak
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Zdzisław Brzeski
Instytut Medycyny Wsi w Lublinie ul. Jaczewskiego 2 20-950 Lublin tel. 81 718 44 69
Med Srod. 2010;13(2):70-73
In recent years changes have been noted in the motivations for acute suicidal poisonings among young people from various environments, which are due to psychosocial changes both in the urban and rural environments. Suicidal attempts are accompanied – especially in the rural environment – by low social status, difficulties with adapting to a free market economy, emotional tension within the family, at school, in the environment of young people, addiction to alcohol, drug overuse, including psychotropes. Based on clinical material concerning rural inhabitants hospitalized due to suicidal poisonings, the authors performed the analysis of attitudes, motivations and causes of acute poisonings among the young rural population. Among rural adolescents who continued school or university education the dominant causes of undertaking a suicidal attempt were: adolescent period problems, conflicts within the family, conflicts with mates, and disappointment in love. Among young adults the motivations were as follows: difficulties with finding employment in the place of residence, conflicts within the family, overuse of stimulants, and sometimes states of depression during the period of aggravation of a disease.
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