Subjective risk factors of unhealthy behaviors in a group of medical doctors
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Zakład Psychologii, Katedra Filozofii i Nauk Humanistycznych, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu w Katowicach, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny. Kierownik: dr n. hum. M. Bąk-Sosnowska
Dr Krzysztof Gojdź Clinic. Dyrektor: dr n. med. K. Gojdź
Katedra Zdrowia Kobiety, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu w Katowicach, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny. Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. V. Skrzypulec-Plinta
Corresponding author
Monika Bąk-Sosnowska   

Zakład Psychologii Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego ul. Medyków 12; 40-752 Katowice tel. 32 208 86 42
Med Srod. 2015;18(3):17-24
Unhealthy behaviors displayed by doctors impact negatively on the attitude of patients towards illness prevention and treatment. The aim of the study was to identify risk factors of unhealthy behaviors among physicians.

Material and Methods:
523 active medical doctors were examined. The mean age was 49.16±13.56 yrs., average professional experience was 23.68±13.77 yrs. We used the method of diagnostic survey and following research tools: Health Behavior Inventory (IZZ), List of Health Criteria (LKZ), Coping with Stress questionnaire (Mini-COPE), Sense of Coherence questionnaire (SOC-29).

The dominance of unhealthy behaviors was observed in 27.34% of the studied group. On the basis of logistic regression analysis it was revealed that the risk of unhealthy behaviors in a group of doctors is increasing: about 3.2% of any prior year after the completion of specialization (p<0.01), by 2.6% with lowering by every point of a general result in the sense of coherence scale SOC-29 (p<0.001), 14.4% with lowering by each point of the result in the scale of active coping Mini-COPE (p<0.01).

1. The risk of unhealthy behaviors among physicians is increased by the following factors: reduced ability to cope actively with stress, shorter time after obtaining the specialization, lower sense of coherence. 2. During medical studies it is necessary to create the conditions conducive to a sense of coherence of students as well as enhance their activity and health perception in terms of the process.

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