Symptoms intensification of post-traumatic stress in individuals performing the job of a medical rescue worker
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Katedra Psychiatrii Collegium Medicum w Bydgoszczy Kierownik Katedry: prof. dr hab. med. A. Araszkiewicz
Corresponding author
Ewa Ogłodek   

Katedra Psychiatrii 85-094 Bydgoszcz, ul. Kurpińskiego19 tel. 669-300-460 lub +48(52) 585-42-60 lub +48(52) 585-42-68, fax: +48(52) 585-37-66
Med Srod. 2011;14(3):54-58
Background: The purpose of the task was the assessment of stress and the intensification of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the group of medical rescue workers.

Material and Methods:
The research covered 36 individuals, working as medical rescue workers (18 males and 18 females); average age: 40.9. The medical rescue workers were employed in the Hospital Emergency Department. The control group composed of 34 patients (17 males and 17 females); average age: 39.6 the questionnaires were completed by individuals assessing the intensification of post-traumatic stress, namely Mississippi-C PTSD Scale, and assessed the ambience dominant in their workplace.

What was observed was significant interdependencies among the intensification of symptoms of post-traumatic stress in case of the interviewed groups of medical rescue workers.

What becomes import, is to take preventive action in the field of mental health among medical rescue workers.
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