Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the aquatic environment as a new issue of environmental health
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Studium Doktoranckie Wydziału Farmaceutycznego z Oddziałem Medycyny Laboratoryjnej Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach
Studium Doktoranckie Wydziału Zdrowia Publicznego Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach
Samodzielna Katedra Biotechnologii i Biologii Molekularnej, Uniwersytet Opolski
Corresponding author
Aneta Koszowska   

ul. Wolności 6 44-190 Knurów tel. 604 363 384
Med Srod. 2015;18(1):62-69
Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products PPCPs are different chemical substances biologically active. They are part of drugs, supplements and cosmetics. An increasing interest in the field of PPCPs is observed recently. High sensitivity analysis methods allowed to detect PPCPs in natural environment in the world. Because of their complex chemical structure these compounds are not completely removed and discharged into the sewage for treatment and as such unchanged or intermediate metabolites may cause pollution of surface and deep water. It is estimated that they may accumulate in living organisms. PPCPs problem becomes a serious challenge for many scientific disciplines. The aim of the study is to present the problem of the occurrence of PPCPs in water environment as a new environmental health hazard. This study presents selected groups of PPCPs as the examples of research in the field of PPCPS and their presence in the environment. Moreover new prospects of removing these substances from water are shown.
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