The impact of tobacco smoke on women’s fertility
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Katedra Biotechnologii Zwierząt, Wydział Hodowli i Biologii Zwierząt, Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie. Kierownik katedry: prof. dr hab. D. Zięba-Przybylska
Corresponding author
Anna K. Wójtowicz   

ul. Rędzina 1b, 30-248 Kraków tel. (12) 429 75 47
Med Srod. 2015;18(2):11-16
Over the years, the regularity laws about smoking in public places have been more and more restrictive due to the growing awareness of health problems caused by smoking tobacco. Despite that, the global number of smokers is increasing. Men are still the majority of addicted people but the number of women smoking is also high. Among them are pregnant women, in which case, the negative health effects of tobacco smoke also affect the fetus. It is well known that active as well as passive smoking can lead to cardiovascular diseases, strokes, lung and laryngeal cancers and promotes atherosclerosis. Recently, there has been a growing scientific interest in dysfunction of endocrine system and fertility observed in smokers. Women addicted to smoking often have menstrual cycle disorders, ovulatory dysfunction and early menopause. In the case of pregnant women exposed to tobacco smoke, the risk of miscarriage or complication during the childbirth is higher. Harmful tobacco smoke components delivered to the maternal organism cause disruption of the placenta and abnormal fetus development.
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